The RepZe LLC Scam Business Model
The Process
Fraudulent Identities
Close Relationship To Cheaterwebsites
The Deception
RepZe's fraudulent scheme victimizes many people around the world through extortion. The owner will re-post content on other sites they own and request further payments to remove content they re-posted. This fraudulent LLC is not a legal business entity in Colorado or any other state. The owner and operator has hundreds of cheater type websites that scrape content from each other. The website domains typically contain words like "expose", "cheater", and many others. Once a victim notices shocking content about them they become in a panic. Based on emotion they feel inclined to pay extraordinary fees to have the content removed. This is text book blackmail. (demanding payment in order to not reveal negative information regardless of it being true or not).
What makes this scam work?
Initial Post
An initial post is made on a cheater website by an outside user. This is often times made by a disgruntled ex-partner or possibly a competitor. This post may either be partially true or completely false.
Repost Original
This initial post is then re-posted on several similar cheater websites owned by Vikram Parmar. This is done through a method called scraping. Where a program is designed to crawl a website and duplicate content. The website owner controls these second posts by the push of a button that commands a bot to crawl and scrape content. These new posts are no longer user generated and are now website generated.
Perpetual Victim
If someone pays RepZe, they will be reposted again and again on websites owned by them. The method to avoid and explicit black mail is to use a so called "arbitrage". This is the illusion RepZe attempts to create. False identities that make a victim think there is actually a separation between the cheater site and the removal service. When they are actually one in the same. Once a victim is identified, they are put on a repeat process. Similar to a telemarketing scam call. If you answer, then you are put on a list.
The Evidence
Our team compiled evidence from user experiences from around the world.
Fraudulent LLC | Not a Legal Business Entity
The State of Colorado and every other state in the United States maintains a database of all legal businesses. Business are required to meet certain criteria in order to register in Colorado. Criteria such as; physical address in the state, registered agent with normal business hours, and an actual identity. RepZe does not meet any of these criteria.
Check for yourself at:

Fraudulent Address | Not a Legal Business Address
Repze is the defendant in a recent lawsuit filed in 2020 for crimes such as racketeering, fraud, and blackmail. The process server was unable to find a legitimate place of business when attempting to serve the fraudulent company. The address 9615 E County Line Rd-Ste. B#444 Centennial, Englewood, CO 80112 is nothing more than a PO Box at a Post Net store. The process server interviewed the owner of the store and concluded that the business is non-existent at the address. The case can be found in the United States District Court for the Southern District Of Florida (9:20-CV-80147)

Fraudulent Identities | Employees Do Not Exist
Do a quick search of the employees listed on the website. None of them actually exist. Matt Hamp, Sofia Sylvia, and Timy Berndt. None of them are actual people. It is the same person. If you speak to them on the phone, pay close attention. It is the same person using a voice changer to conceal their real identity.
Matt Hampe
This youtube video depicts an individual declaring themselves to be "Matt Hamp".
Another video shows the same person advertising a phone company.
"Matt Hamp" is a paid actor advertising "spokesperson" services on fiverr who goes by the name voiceoverbyluis.

Upon a closer look at the Repze website shows a familiar signature. Marilyn Monroe's signature is displayed as the CEO's signature.

Re-Post Content
The owner, Vikram Parmar, was linked to several other cheater websites and another reputation company through metadata and historical whois linking his email.
Content is often times reposted after removal. This fraudster will often times repost the original content on a similar cheater website. They do this by post dating the article by several months. They are able to do this because they operate the cheater site. This gives the illusion that the second post was made before the date of removal. By creating a post with a date prior to the original they can convince victims into paying more money by claiming the "older" post is not related to the new one.
Close Relationship To Cheater Sites
Repze is only a small portion of this deceptive industry. For the websites Vikram does not run, he has a close relationship. The fraudulent company gives an impression of some method or process that removes content. All they do is pay the cheater website to remove the content. Paying to remove published information sounds like blackmail.
This where the racketeering aspect comes in. These are criminal enterprises that offer to solve a problem that would not otherwise exist without their participation. Republishing and scraping content on numerous sites, then offering a solution of paying money to remove the content they generated themselves
Requesting money to not publish defamatory content is text book blackmail.
Fraudulent Misrepresentation
Fake company using a fake address with fake employees.
Want To Share Your Experiences?
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